Monday, November 22, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lacy Magic.

Emerging from her bed of clouds, Petite Sue finds herself submerged, twisted and tangled in a concrete jungle. Looking to catch herself in some kind of wondrous rapture, she fastens lacy magic to her neck and takes off into a world of rose petals, honey, silver coins and rabbit fur. Oh, how wonderful a dream can be!
*Available at Floating Gold Iceberg. 533 Pandora Ave. 250 590 GOLD.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"We have a whole life to live together you f@*#er, but it can't start until you call."*

Growing tired of practical (working) telephones, Petite Sue fastens her own means of communication. Using Kelly green wool, she forms a connection placing one tin-can to her ear and another just below her bottom lip. Astonished, Petite Sue is delighted to find herself able to converse with ghosts, the coldest, most unexplored depths of the Atlantic ocean and herself.

*Headline quoted from "Me and You and Everyone We Know."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Alchemist's Riverboat Blues

Stranded, Petite Sue must select wisely which cup and saucer to drink from, for if she chooses wrong, consequences may prove fatal! Oh mon dieu!
To be continued…

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nesting Ground.

Upon finding a family of Nesting Dolls tucked neatly into her medicine cabinet,Petite Sue complimented the even petiter women on their fine floral print skirts, bid them "good-night!" and scampered to bed.