Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Alchemist's Riverboat Blues

Stranded, Petite Sue must select wisely which cup and saucer to drink from, for if she chooses wrong, consequences may prove fatal! Oh mon dieu!
To be continued…

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nesting Ground.

Upon finding a family of Nesting Dolls tucked neatly into her medicine cabinet,Petite Sue complimented the even petiter women on their fine floral print skirts, bid them "good-night!" and scampered to bed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

She's Got a Forest Where Her Bones Should Be.

Unraveling into the sunlight, Petite Sue emerges from her cotton-candy dreams to find tiny creatures dressed in pink ribbon careening over her headboard. Landing soundlessly upon the weathered floor, their hooves skip lightly across exposed nails and spilled paint, scuff marks and freshly laundered clothes. Caught suddenly in the rapture of waking, Petite Sue yawns and startled by the unexpected coos, the animals disappear.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Into the Secret Life of Petite Sue

If this camera was a keyhole and your eyes were my eyes, this is what your Saturday mornings would look like.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The First Adventure and Return of Speckled Pony

Arriving into midnight, Speckled Pony ceases her canter. Slowly she begins to remember the familiarity of home- somewhere to the left of your most vital organ her silhouette rests, pinned like so many frozen butterflies against a wall of blue. Sleep Pony, and dream of a many wonderful things.